Dr. Shirley N. Weber: California Secretary of State

A Conversation with Dr. Shirley N. Weber, Ph.D., California Secretary of State led by 4-Good Ventures Founder Dave Welch

Thank you for joining us for an impactful, unrecorded 30-minute conversation with California Secretary of State Dr. Shirley N. Weber, Ph.D., led by 4-Good Ventures Founder Dave Welch on Thursday, February 10th, 3:30 PM to 4 PM (PT).

Dr. Weber talked about her experience and vision for California, including her perspectives on the state of our public education system and what we have to do to make California a leader in the coming years. Dave interviewed Dr. Weber while taking questions from the audience.

Dr. Weber has served the people of California for decades (read more here). Her passion for all citizens, especially the children of this state, is truly inspiring.

More about Dr. Webber’s Tenure in Education

Dr. Weber's tenure in the California education system began with forty years as a professor in the California State University system. After retirement and before her appointment to Secretary of State in 2020, Weber served four terms as an Assembly Member representing California's 79th District.

As an Assembly Member, Weber participated in the Standing Committees on Education and Higher Education. Weber also served as chair of the San Diego Unified School District and California College of Presidential Electors. Read more about Dr. Weber


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