Grand Challenge: Public Education
Guaranteeing the Right to a High-Quality Public Education
The Challenge
Despite years of efforts to improve the public education system in California, our public schools are still failing our children. The data are alarming. According to the California Department of Education, only 33% of CA’s students met math standards, while only 47% met English Language Arts standards, in 2022.
What’s more, the public strongly supports a civil right that would guarantee access to a high-quality public education for all public school students. According to recent polls, more than 90% of all California voters support a law that guarantees:
All public-school students have a constitutional right to a high-quality public education (94% support).
All education laws and policies put the interests of public-school students first (94% support).
Public-school parents have a seat at the table to hold politicians accountable for putting kids first (90% support).
There is an urgent need to take decisive and meaningful action. However, education reform efforts in California that relied on policy, or action by officials have failed over the years, for a variety of reasons. Now, NosTerra and our partners, in cooperation with a broad and diverse coalition, are taking the issue straight to the people of California. If you are interested in learning more, please visit the Students Matter website here.