Energy Flow Charts:

Charting the Complex Relationships among Energy, Carbon, and Costs

Discover the intricate web of energy flows across the United States with our enhanced Sankey chart visualization, inspired by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's renowned model. This interactive tool will allow you to explore the complex dynamics of energy production, consumption, and distribution over a 30-year period, highlighting key insights into the nation's energy landscape. You can easily identify trends, compare different energy sources, and understand the economic and environmental implications of various generation and consumption scenarios. Our Sankey chart empowers users to make informed decisions and advocate for a sustainable energy future. Dive into the data, uncover hidden patterns, and join us in shaping the trajectory of America's energy transition.


Some assumptions were made in the modeling and construction of this tool, the main ones are as follows
  • Perfect grid – energy can flow anywhere in the US
  • Ignores transmission costs
  • Simplified supply demand matching
  • Renewable seasonal energy balancing model – hourly and daily data from only one year – limited historical data
    • ex. 2023 had significantly less wind than 2022
  • Efficiencies: vary by sector but not much by production type